4783 Ocean Wave (19" x 15" x 2")
4771 Gentle Forest (24" x 23")
4668 Ocean Wave (18x14x2) SOLD
1574 Tree of Comfort (commissioned)
4427 Solace (34"x28")
4415 Respite (32"x26")
4281 Forgotten Forest (31"x25")
4281 Forgotten Forest (31"x25")
4055 Ocean Wave (18x14x2) SOLD
4053 RememberNature (15"x15")
1567 Tree of Wisdom (21"x17"x2.5")
1361 Tree of Magic (21"x17"x2.5")
1368 Tree of Truth (21"x17"x2.5")
1185 Elements (20"x20"x3")
1182 Freedom (18"x14"x2")
Moon Glow 1170 (18"x14"x2")
8673 Shoreline (47"x18"x2")
8673 Shoreline (displayed)
8693 Fly Free (40"x24"x2")
8652 Blue Wave (18"x14"x2") SOLD
8684 Climb Every Mountain (47"x32"x2')
4580 Golden Heart (32"x32"x2")
2581 Yin Yang (12"x12")
5451 Earth (23"x24"x1")
5638 Home of the Brave (21"x18")
5519 Tree of Joy - (14"x14")-SOLD
5178 Tree of Gratitude (25"x18") SOLD
5597 Tree of Freedom (21"x17") SOLD
5598 Tree of Knowledge (21"x17")
5707 Tree of Health (21"x17") SOLD
5600 Tree of Wealth (21"x17")
5719 Tree of Passion (21"x17")
5249 Tree of Hope (21"x17")
5721 Tree of Happiness (21"x17")
5718 Tree of Growth (21"x17")
5720 Tree of Warmth (21"x17")
2550 Tree of Freedom (21"x17")- SOLD
2575 Tree of Freedom (21"x17") SOLD
5366 Tree of Happiness (21"x17")- SOLD
5368 Tree of Freedom (21"x17")
7029 Tree of Healing (40"x32") SOLD
7041 Tree of Healing (40"x32")